Friday, November 20, 2009


A Mortgage Accelerator (often referred to as an "M.A." or bi-weekly payment plan) is a program that allows you to pay off your home mortgage five to ten years earlier than the term of your mortgage. The M.A. changes your monthly mortgage payment schedule into bi-weekly payments. Through the bi-weekly schedule, a Mortgage Accelerator allows you to pay a little extra each month toward your principal balance. These little extras add up to a full additional payment toward your mortgage annually while helping to reduce the amount and term of your loan.
Additionally, a Mortgage Accelerator costs nothing out of pocket! All costs for the program are absorbed into your savings, including:
• A shorter term mortgage
• A lower effective interest rate
• Convenient, automatic payments
Our bi-weekly M.A. program is a systematic way to help you consistently make payments to the principal balance on your loan; and, our services are compatible with any loan and any lender.
There are several schedules that you can choose from when entering a Mortgage Accelerator. All payments are made on the bi-weekly schedule of your choice; payments are timed to coincide with payroll deposits for easier budgeting.
When designing your M.A. schedule, you can choose a specific date to have your loan paid off. Using a target date to pay off your loan allows you to prepare for large costs that may arise in the future. Most of our clients utilize these dates to help plan for their children’s college tuition or prepare for retirement.
The key benefit of a Mortgage Accelerator is substantial savings. Through the use of creative financial programs developed by Avalon, we accelerate the loan payment. As a result, our clients save an average of $35,000-$90,000 in unnecessary interest.
How does a Mortgage Accelerator work?
After choosing a Mortgage Accelerator schedule to meet your needs, your bi-weekly payments are automatically withdrawn from your account and held in trust at a federally regulated financial institution where they are protected against loss and fraud. This GUARANTEES the protection of your money.
Once we have received funds equivalent to your monthly payment, we issue the payment to your lender. Your Mortgage Accelerator payments are guaranteed to be paid on time, every time. You will never have to worry about late fees or delinquent payments. Any additional funds received over the monthly payment amount will be issued to the lender with instructions to be applied to “PRINCIPAL ONLY”. Our program is not magic but a streamlined process that is designed to assist you in making extra payments to the principal balance of your loan on a consistent basis. As a comparison, fewer than 3% of people will consistently make these “extra” payments on their own.
A Mortgage Accelerator is designed to apply more money to the principal balance of your loan, increasing the equity in your home at an accelerated pace. Research shows that many homeowners will refinance or sell their home within the first five years. After five years with our M.A. program, powered through Avalon, you will have two to three times more money available from the increased equity we helped you build.
A shorter, less-expensive loan through a Mortgage Accelerator equals good financial planning!

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